Brew Perfection,
Every Single Time.

The ultimate recipe & brew management platform for specialty coffee shops.

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For solo café owners that want to grow.

Start off with with great recipe & brew management. Prepare for growth.

For café managers that want an overview.

Add your staff and share recipes and brews. Make sure to serve consistent coffee.

For multiple locations that need consistency.

Implement company vision across all locations. Keep track of all brews.

Manage & share coffee recipes with your staff.

Elevate your coffee consistency, streamline operations, and boost quality across all locations.

Standardize recipes across all baristas and locations

Reduce variation in drink quality and customer experience

Decrease training time for new baristas

Streamline recipe updates and distribution

Coffee is your business
and cafemanager helps you to
brew it consistently each time.

Know your brews.

Centralize all your brewing recipes, and share the best practices across your staff.

Create customer loyalty.

Loyal customers expect to have the same coffee each time they visit your shop.

Connect staff.

Share recipes with all your staff and have everyone on board.

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Log & keep track of the daily brews.

Centralize all your brews to bring consistency and quality to your business.

Easy experimentation and refinement of recipes

Centralize coffee expertise in a digital platform

Preserve knowledge as staff changes

Track recipe performance and iterations

Get your team working with

Create an account.

Tell us about your business and we'll find the best plan for your needs.

Add your staff.

Invite your employees with a few taps. Easily share recipes with them.

Manage your business.

Share recipes with all your staff and have everyone on board.

Launching soon!

We are working hard to get cafemanager released!
Join the waitlist to get early access.

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